My favourite links. Following a trend of gothic stuff, vampires and art.... Like the guy in the picture????
- Riviera Art
An online gallery displaying some nice works from some friends of mine based in the Var district of the South of France. Some of my photos here too.
- Dark Angel
A great site for gothic clothing. Love the coats....
- Vampire Store
A great store for Vampire lovers. Clothes, drinks such as wine and vampire energy drinks.
- Vampirewine.com
Another vampire site, wine, glasses, charms, gargoyles and even vampire condoms.....
- Burning Man
- The premier site for the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. Great pics.
- www.modthesims2.com
Mod the Sims 2. Or MTS2 to those of us now addicted to this great site. You need to register but its all free! In the chatroom you'll meet a bunch of cool, strange people. The site picks up from your profile what game you have, just Sims2 or Expansion packs as well and in downloads (Which are all FREE!) it shows only those compatible with your game!!!
- Alonysolidarity
A fantastic site that opens your eyes to the World around us. If you're English hit the spanish or French line and it opens up a section in English, French and Spanish.
Hugs to Sweet_kitty on MTS2 chat who's dad created this site and is still a prisoner.
- Trezillah
A great site for Sims2 run by Tre. The lovely Nurrah from MTS chat is a moderator here. Some nice downloads and my own downloads too, houses, businesses and sims. Enjoy.
Have Fun!